KLA Academy | Private Elementary School in Miami Skip To Main Content

Lower Elementary

1st graders working on experiences with plants

Learners from Kindergarten through 2nd Grade create meaningful connections in literacy, math, social studies, and scientific inquiry as they explore unique opportunities that expand their views beyond the home and classroom.

In lower elementary years, students follow their interests to guide their learning experience. Here, children become more productive and responsible, leading and listening as a community and through independent work. It’s a time of social-emotional development and active inquiry, where thought-provoking opportunities encourage learners to take greater risks as they apply their knowledge to their daily lives.

Lower Elementary Programs

The Workshop Model: Reading, Writing & Math

The Workshop Model is a teaching structure that asks elementary students to take charge of their own learning, becoming active and deeply engaged in their work and development of understanding.  This approach allows teachers to provide a balance between explicit instruction and exploration of possibilities that are presented.

This model promotes deeper understanding, providing differentiated support  individually, within small groups and as a whole class.  This level of engagement via the workshop model ensures students are actively learning the skills, strategies and concepts they need to master throughout the year.

2nd grader working with paper and pencil on desk

What do you love about KLA Academy?

There are a million reasons to love being a student at KLA Academy! Here are just a few from some of our Lower Elementary students. For daily stories and updates from our students and community, follow us on Instagram


The best part of my day is doing phonics. I like learning new snap words. I also like playing in the playground with all my friends.

- Anabela, Kindergarten

First Grade

I love my teachers and also how my classroom is so different and fun. 

-Claire, 1st Grade

Second Grade

I like everything about my school. I like PE, art, music, and math. I like hearing songs, moving, and playing sports.

- Mateo, 2nd Grade

Second Grade

I love being at KLA Academy. I can trust everyone and I feel safe. 

- Maia, 2nd Grade